Tony Barber Music

Piano Teacher in Ponteland


Learning to play a musical instrument should be an enjoyable experience. Students want to learn for a variety of reasons, some want to progress through exam grades, others simply want to play for fun. Engaging students in all aspects of their musical learning is an exciting two way journey of discovery.

Piano lessons are on a Yamaha Clavinova CVP305, this instrument has the unique GH3 Graded Hammer keyboard developed by Yamaha to accurately replicate the touch and dynamic sound of a Grand Piano. This is also used for general Keyboard lessons, packed with hundreds of musical accompaniment styles and rhythms, it can instantly record your performance for review.

Exams are not for everyone, and there is no pressure on any student to feel they have to put themselves through the process. Having said that, musical exam grades are an excellent way to mark a pupil's progress as they build their knowledge and skills. They provide a measurable sense of achievement and a lot of learners enjoy moving up the exam ladder.

Graded exams are also available for electronic keyboards, and students are welcome to bring their own instrument to the lessons if they prefer.

ABRSM (The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music) exams are internationally recognised qualifications, classically based, these exam pieces offer a superb foundation to build on solid technical discipline and expressive musicality. ABRSM tuition is available up to Grade 5 standard. ABRSM theory lessons & exams run alongside practical activities.